Monday, February 11, 2013

Teaching and Learning

My personal definitions for teaching and learning are:

Teaching – involves supplying information to a person to facilitate learning

I think in the instance of a classroom, teaching would involve the teacher providing materials and experiences that resonate with the students. These acts of teaching would then produce learning when done appropriately and well. There are many methods and many different ways to teach, as well as being intentional and unintentional. 

Learning – involves the assimilation and accommodation of knowledge, which can later be reproduced and applied

I think learning must be measured in application of material. Too many students simply memorize and regurgitate information for tests and classes because as soon as they have completed the required assignments or tests, they do not revisit this information. I think to produce adequate learning, a teacher must make information interesting and relatable. To be truly learned, information will be able to be revisited and explained by the learners. I think a lot of great learning is done unintentionally, but out of pure curiosity and interest. 

Also, relating to teaching and learning, I have seen a couple of videos about a teacher named Steven Levy. He is honestly pretty inspiring and innovative when it comes to his teaching methods. I was unable to find a link to any videos showing his teaching practices, but I did find a website explaining a little bit about what he does in his classroom. I also found another website with a short bio and a list of his videos and books that he has written. 

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